What We Do
Wisconsin Sleep Society (WSS) acts on behalf of sleep professionals including physicians, NPs, sleep technologists and dentists in the State of Wisconsin. We operate for scientific and educational purposes.
Our Focus
Those of you that work night shifts need on demand training. Others prefer in person or live virtual training with ample opportunities for questions and answers. Our offerings will be provided in multiple formats to meet the needs of sleep professionals.
WSS began in 2008 with a small group of committed volunteers and has remained completely volunteer through the present. We have consistently offered a yearly (and occasionally twice yearly) live conference until this past year. This year we will offer a virtual conference live and with a full vendor exhibition hall and some fun activities to keep participants engaged. And the price will be right! Sign up here for updates on our Sept 24, 2021 virtual conference. (Link here). You will be able to access the conference content and receive credit for several months following the actual event.
WSS came about because a group of individuals felt the need to have Wisconsin sleep professionals offered support and educational opportunities. We now have a great national presence as many of our members have spoken at conferences nationwide and have represented Wisconsin in the form of national committee chairpersons, board members on national sleep associations, embracing the CCSH and RST credentials in addition to the RPSGT and CSGT credentials that we have always supported.
State Licensure for sleep techs was under discussion in 2008 when we started the Society. Wisconsin has no formal licensure and discussion took place regarding whether that protects the profession or not. WSS offered an opportunity for sleep professionals to engage in this discussion.
Currently our focus is on providing quality education at a reasonable cost and in forms that are readily accessible regardless of which shift you work and where you work. Please consider signing up for a free membership today.